Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ode to Kathleen

Back to my "ode to's" I am going to dedicate this post to my very bestest best bff in the world Kathleen.

We met in Aug 2001 when I was hired on right after high school at the local "OJ/DQ" at the mall. She was 6 months pregnant with her first child and only a few days away from getting married to the love of her life.

Kathleen and I hit it off though only in a few months she'd be off on maternity leave. We both had a good work ethic, both leaders and wanted control of the store. We clashed a few times in the beginning because of this need for control but we learned to work around it. I worked days and she worked nights and we both knew that when the other came in or off a shift the store would be in perfect shape for the next one.

From 2001-2003 I worked at OJ/DQ on and off until I moved to Vancouver Island for almost a year. When I came back I reconnected with Kathleen (in early 2004) and we have been inseparable ever since. She had just given birth in June 2003 to her second child Alexandria, and Mikayla had been born in December of 2001 of course. She was still happily married and living in Abbotsford. I started to go visit her. I had just ended a semi-serious relationship the previous summer and was looking to have some fun.

I would go to her and her husband Bryan's house all the time. Pretty much all summer of 2004 we were together at her house and I was watching her little ones grow. I pretty much knew Alex from when she was crawling around in diapers. When Kathleen went out or worked I'd sometimes watch the kids. They were like my kids to me.

Kathleen is many things. She's a hard worker and a wonderful and dedicated mother. She loves her kids and others kids like no one else. She is compassionate, accepting and is a great listener. She indulges me in my daydreaming and fantasizing whether it be trips I want to take or what I want to name my future children. She gets just as excited as I do even though she may think I'm crazy.

I am known as Auntie Dawn to Alex and Mikayla and I couldn't be more proud of two little girls.

You'll remember this from a previous post taken at the Valley Zoo in Edmonton, Alberta.

Today Alex is 6 years old and Mikayla will be 8 in December. I can't believe how fast the time goes. I want them to stay young forever, but I know that's not possible. One day I won't be the cool Auntie anymore. One day they won't want to sleep with me in my bed when they come to visit. One day they won't want to talk to Auntie on the phone and tell me about their new princess dresses. One day they'll start to talk about boys, shopping, and perhaps will become the princesses they've been bred to be. Alexandria is a poser. She loves to pose for the camera so maybe she'll be a model. Mikayla loves to sing, and she has a beautiful voice. One thing I know is that if they're anything like their mother they won't "take no crap from nobody".

RB and I will be stopping through as I've stated previously, again this summer. I cannot wait to see Kathleen, Bryan and the kidlets. We're staying for 6 days so that will make me happy. Seeing them once a year hurts my heart. Last summer when I went to leave with RB to hit the road at 5am, I got a phone call as we turned the corner from their townhome and it was Kathleen asking if I had gone far yet. I hadnt so I turned around. Alex had heard us leave and didn't get out of bed in time. She rushed down the stairs and started to bawl because Auntie Dawn was leaving and I never said goodbye. I was crushed so I had to go get her from momma's arms and she just cried and cried and then I cried and RB teared up. To say it wasn't the best experience is an understatement.

There are a few things that remind me of Kathleen. I've done this for every friend so far. Here we go!

  • Pepsi. Kathleen LOVES Pepsi. Adores it. She doesn't care for water and doesn't care admitting it either. Pepsi all summer in big tall tumblers with lots of ice. No other way!
  • Pugs. They currently have a Pug named Mae-Ling. She's adorable and every time I see a Pug I think of her.Add Image
  • 10 Things I hate about You is her favourite movie. RB just had his own chick flick-fest the other night (I know! right?!) and watched it for the first time and liked it.
  • Disney. Anything Disney reminds me of Kathleen because her girls have like every movie by Disney known to man. And they'll watch it over and over and Kathleen loves every song and memorizes every one and sings them in the car with the girls.
One of their favourite Disney movies along with The Little Mermaid and Brother Bear (my fav)
  • Orange Julius of course because we worked at one together.
  • Laughing Cow cheese. The girls actually love this stuff too. I loved watching them get older and eventually able to unwrap them on their own without mommy's help.

Needless to say, Kathleen and I can be two peas in a pod. It's unfortunate that in 2005 she moved with bryan to Edmonton, Alberta from BC because I don't get to see them as much as I'd like, but they are happy and that's all that matters to me.

Here's to you, Kathleen! Best friend and mother a girl can have. You're the best! MUAH!

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