Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome to my journey

Thanks to my generous father who bestowed to me funds for a Christmas gift, I went out and purchased the new Wii Fit Plus and The Biggest Loser game. I was pretty stoked to use it, the reviews were great but I was unsure how much real exercise I would get from it. It's just a board and a small space in my "livingroom" and I could do it in my pajamas. Surely exercising in your pajamas could not be considered real exercise and frankly I'd just be putting off the inevitable--going to the gym for a real workout.

I was wrong. *chirp chirp* Did RB hear that? I think a tree fell down?

What I love about Wii Fit and The Biggest Loser game is that it motivates me. I chose Bob as my personal trainer and the game maps out a fitness routine to do for 45 min every day targeting upper and lower body alternatively from what I can see so far. It goes through a Warm up, training and then cool down. All with a little itty bitty white pad (which should I just mention is SUPER sensitive which = awesome) and my laminate wood floor. Oh, and me.

So I tried it out this morning for the first time. Basically you have to create a profile first (enter your name), give it your age, height and then *dum dum dum* it weighs you. Now I know you're never supposed to ask a lady how much she weighs, how old she is, what political party she votes for or what religion she is. Is that it? However, public humiliation has always worked well for me (doesn't it work for most people?) so I shall, henceforth, state my starting weight for the public. After all, real Biggest Loser contestants do it, so why can't I?

Day: 1

Starting weight: 248 lbs. Eep. Now, I carry my weight well so no one believes me which I guess is a good thing. I've never been little so no one knows me at some smaller size. However, it does make it hard for me to think about a target weight or size. I have nothing to go by except BMI. Apparently I should weigh between 99lbs and 140lbs (top range). 140lbs it is. For now. Long term thinking here.

Program length: 8 weeks as per the Biggest Loser game programming. I shall start another program when this one is up.

Goal Weight: To lose 32 lbs in 8 weeks which should put me at 216lbs. Is that correct math? I was never a math genious.

Thoughts for today's workout: I didn't have any to begin with except that, this better be worth it! As well as 248 lbs?!?! What?!

Thoughts after today's workout: I didn't have time to think as I was paying attention to the sweat stains on my t-shirt and shaking my head at how unbelieveabley mistaken I was that this was anything but difficult.

Tip for next time: Get a yoga mat and/or towel to cushion my knees for the pushups. Contrary to my apple figure, I do have small legs and bony knees and they hurt on laminate flooring okay?

Weigh-in goal: I have thoughts that I may not lose anything. But here's hoping for 2 lbs which would be glorious.

TBL challenge: To cook at home because that way you control what it is you put in your mouth. Ahem. I can cook at home but last I checked control and cooking don't go hand-in-hand but we'll see. Here's hoping RB takes to lean turkey and whole wheat bread and not the wonderbread wholewheat that looks like white bread.

Daily question for the public: Any recipes that are healthy that you'd like to share for breakfasts? What about tips on motivating oneself to eat breakfast?


  1. This is exciting! I want to see how it goes.

  2. I don't like to eat breakfast most days, so what I've done is started blending protein drinks with fresh (or frozen) fruit. It gives you the protein you need to get you started and the fruit makes it taste uber yummy. Toss a little granola or flax seed in there for good measure! Start from there and then work up to actually eating... lol

  3. @Kate M Thanks for your comment! I am pretty excited myself. I am wanting to get back on it and do a little extra exercise already but I have to work and don't want to get sweaty again! ha!

    @Stef thanks! We just bought a new kick ass blender. I wonder if I can pick up some good protein powder which would be great for the mornings right after I work out. The video actually recommends eating some fruit right before you work I can save the protein shake for right after. Grand idea!

  4. First of all, I want to say that I think it is really awesome you are putting all of this out there - it is not an easy thing to do. I too have been trying to lose weight for my wedding and it is HARD, but you have taken the first step. I am excited for you and I totally want to get this program.

    Secondly: breakfast. This can be a tough one. I used to never eat it but then I started making myself and now, I HAVE to eat breakfast. They say that if you do anything for 30 days it becomes a habit - so maybe start there. I usually have Honey Nut Cheerios every day and that is good for me. I also like to get the whole wheat Eggo waffles and spread a little peanut butter on them for protein. Then I will put a little bit of sugar free maple syrup on top of that and it is really yummy.

    I wish you lots of luck with this and I will be thinking about ya!

  5. Hey again. Yes - the Oregon coast is stunning, albeit usually pretty cold and windy. But yes - it is beautiful.

  6. I never used to eat breakfast, either, but I do now. I cycle through breakfasts, eating the same thing every day until I tire of it. Some of my favorites:

    4 oz yogurt with a 1/4 cup low fat granola and a small banana
    100-calorie muffin top (Vitatop is the brand)
    egg beater omelet
    mini whole grain bagel with a tablespoon of fat free cream cheese

    Breakfast doesn't have to be big and hearty, just something healthy to get your day started. It'll help wake up your metabolism for the day, which is a good thing!

  7. Alton Brown just did a weight loss episode and featured a breakfast smoothie and other tasty treats. my easy breakfast of champions is toast and a poached egg (you can do them in the microwave: fill a mug w/ 1" of water, crack egg into it, microwave until you hear a soft "pop" sound indicating that the egg is done, scoop our pour through a slotted spoon to catch the egg) or making steel cut oats in my rice cooker (if you don't have a programable one, you can use a regular lamp/xmass light timer) so that it's ready in the morning, top with a splash of milk and some dried fruit and honey.
