Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pills Pills first we started out real cool...

Forgive the Destiny's Child pun, really.

Remember awhile back I was put on Metformin to induce ovulation? I have been trying to keep up with taking them, but alas I am horrible at taking medication. I forget, sometimes go 3 days without taking them, until RB reminds me.

Do any of you have advice on how to remember to take your pills?

And does anyone know of anyone who has been successful with taking Metformin and ovulating? It's been a few months for me now and I still have seen no action. Perhaps taking them on a regular basis might help! ha!


  1. Wear a watch and set it on a timer. This is how I trained myself to remember to take my BC..... Now I don't need to set my watch alarm anymore :)

    love jen

  2. I agree with the alarm. I set my alarm on my cell phone to remember to take my BC. Ironic, isn't it? I can't remember to take my pill to prevent a baby and you can't remember to take your pill to make a baby. This world is so diverse!

  3. Keep them in your bathroom, and when you get up in the morning to brush your teeth or pee, they are there, nagging you, saying "PROCREATE... PROCREATE... and wash your hands."
